Fourth General Assembly of the non-profit organization Naturalistichno – 22 February 2017


The Board of Directors of the non-profit organization Naturalistichno, headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria, ul. Enos № 10, floor 6, ap.11 – PC.1408, on the basis of art. 1, para. 2 and para. 1, para. 3 and 4 of the Statute of the Organization, convenes the Fourth General Meeting of the Organization, which will be held on 22 February 2017 /Wednesday/ at 18:00 in the hall of The Stage, Sofia Blvd. Hristo Botev 89 A, with the following agenda:

  1. Adoption of the agenda of the meeting
  2. Election and presentation of the Chairman and the Secretary of the Meeting
  3. Presentation of the Organization and the activities carried out during the period since the previous General Assembly.
    3.1 Organizational activities
    3.2 Information activities
    3.3 Project activities
  4. Presentation of upcoming activities in 2017.
  5. Proposals for discussion of other issues of relevance to the organization including discussion of ideas for the development of the organization and projects
  6. Acceptance of new full members and payment of membership fees

All interested persons are invited to attend the General Meeting in person.

Detailed plan for the Fourth General Meeting of the non-profit organization Naturalistichno 22.02.2017.

18:00 Opening of the meeting

18:00 – 18:10 Introduction of the attendees

18:10 – 18:15 Adoption of the Agenda, election of the Chairperson and Secretary of the Meeting

18:15 – 19:00 Presentation of the association and the activities carried out during the period since the previous General Assembly: October 2016 – February 2017.

19:00 – 19:30 Presentation of upcoming activities in 2016-2017.

19:30 – 19:50 Suggestions from the members to discuss other issues of relevance to the association including discussion on the development of the association and projects

19:50 – 20:00 Acceptance of new full members and payment of membership fees

20:00 Closing of the General Assembly

If you wish to attend the meeting, please register by sending an e-mail to:

Link to invitation on Facebook :

We hope to see you on 22.02.2017 so we can grow our organization together.

We are looking forward to meeting you!


Mr. Hristo Valchev…………….


Mrs. Sonya Krasteva ……………..

Mr. Philip Bitrakov ………………

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