Yes to Sustainability Partnership Building in Lakabe/Изграждане на Партньорства с “Yes to Sustainability” в Лакабе, Испания
/Български превод по-надолу../ 🌿✨ Yes to Sustainability Partnership Building in Lakabe ✨🌿 During November 1–7, participants from different countries of Europe gathered in the magical ecovillage of Lakabe, Spain, for a…
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Skillsharing and networking for Permaculture youthworkers in the Balkans/Обмен на умения и работа в мрежа за младежи, работещи в областта на Пермакултурата на Балканите.
/Български превод по-надолу../ Skillsharing and networking for Permaculture youthworkers in the Balkans The gathering was organized between 12 – 20 October 2024 by the Hives project (GR), Nea-Sermyli, Greece and inspired…
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